Saturday 9 January 2016

Do girls really like bad boys?

(Culled from Fashion and Lifestyle)

Me and almost all of my male friends have argued about this... I read an article today about girls liking bad boys

They will say girls don't like good boys, they like the bad ones..the ones that are mysterious, careless, selfish with bad attitude.
I will always say it's not true...our argument sha no dey get head, and they will even show me some tweets of some girls saying that they want their man to cheat on them..this that... they are tired of everything being smooth and all..

Truthfully we all go through a phase that we want whats not good for us...or what we think we want..
But I don't support the saying 'good girls like bad boys'..
Like I stated earlier... 'it is a phase' that means it's not forever.. it is for a period of time.
And if you are a nice guy.. keep being're the future.. I will not advice my daughter to go for a bad boy..

My nice ex

 I was in a relationship with this really nice guy and he was a yes-man. At first, he was not..I like being in control so I find it very attractive when my guy can talk me out of some things and I listen, then, later he started being yes-man..probably because I always say that I don't like people telling me what to do, even thou I respect anyone that actually can...
He started doing everything I wanted, It was as if He had no say in the relationship, as if i was controlling him, I started getting Irritated 
I got bored and decided to end everything, not because he was nice! but because he was not acting like a man, and he clearly does not understand my type of person, he was not what I wanted... 


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